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We provide our clients comprehensive advice on the different legal aspects involved with providing telecommunications services. We have been particularly active in the segments of restricted television and audio, bidirectional transmission of data (Internet), public switched telephony and transport of signals (carrier of carriers). Our responsibilities in this area of law include:

  • Mergers and Acquisitions.- Design and implementation of the structure of the transactions as well as the drafting of the legal documentation and the coordination of the different parties involved.

  • Operations Negotiation. - Our knowledge in the market, of the principal actors of it, as well as the technological tendencies and participations of its development, has allowed us to assist different clients in the negotiation of terms and conditions of important negotiations. Therefore, we have participated in relevant operations about audiovisual, interconnection and transport of signals content.

  • Management and presentation of all types of administrative procedures before the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT), the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFETEL), and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) among others, such as requests for concessions (telephone, restricted television, radio and TV), permits, registrations and contracts.

  • Regulatory Matters. - Support, processing and handling of full compliance with regulatory obligations before the different agencies (SCT, IFETEL and CFE).

  • Assistance and processing of administrative procedures such as inspections, information requirements and sanction or revocation proceedings.

  • Administrative Appeals. - Design and preparation of defenses, motions for review, nullity claims, amparos and ancillary proceedings

  • Disputes before IFETEL. - Assistance and processing thereof, interconnection procedures, rate agreements and traffic imbalances, among others


Contact us

(52.55) 8117 1560


Insurgentes Sur 1425, 8th floor, Colonia Insurgentes Mixcoac, Benito Juárez Delegation, Postal Code 03920, Mexico City, Mexico

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