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Mexican American Bar Association


The Mexican American Bar Association, MABA, was founded in 1959 by Mexican lawyers after recognizing the need for an organization dedicated to strengthening and educating the Latin community.

Through the years the membership of the MABA has evolved and presently its membership manifests our great regional diversity. Its members provide support, development and assistance to our community.

MABA promotes higher education and diversity in the legal community. Through the MABA Foundation we grant scholarships to students of law. The members of the Mexican American Bar Association also collaborate as mentors for students interested in a legal career or in politics.

Through our own Lawyer Recommendation Guide LRIS the Mexican American Bar Association MABA brings legal aid to the reach of the community.

The members of the Mexican American Bar Association MABA regularly provide their time free of charge in order to give legal support to the community.

The Mexican American Bar Association MABA has championed the necessary regulation to eliminate practices of notaries who act as fraudulent lawyers and victimize the community of immigrants seeking legal residence or citizenship in the United States.


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