Analysis of Contradictory Decisions 225/2016
Analysis of Contradictory Decisions 225/2016 on the granting of Powers for Lawsuits and Collections and for Acts of Administration. March...
Analysis of Contradictory Decisions 225/2016
Relevant aspects of the Ruling CFCE-016-2018 in which the Plenary of the Federal EconomicCompetition
Legal analysis of the provisions of ISO 9001:2015 “Quality Management Systems” for organizations.
Law to Regulate Financial Technology Institutions
Sustainability. New General Climate Change Law Bill [06/12/2011].
Bills in the Federal District. Reform of the Bylaws of the Government of the Federal District...
Labor Reform
Legislative Amendment. Reform of the Regulation of the Chamber of Deputies to Regulate...
New General Law of Victims. [9/01/2013]